Erik Eikre Norway - razmišljanje na temu takmičarskog mušičarenja sa Facebook-a


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Erik je moj saborac iz grupe sa SP u BiH, evo njegovog divnog posta sa fejsa, našao sam se skroz, a verovatno i većina takmičara koje znam...

Is competition fly fishing really fly fishing? Yes, of course it is. :) But,
I asked several “why?”s about fly fishing and some anglers respond, and it was intentional. You see, I love fly fishing and I asked myself why I started with fly fishing and why I love it more than anything else. Well, it’s easy to explain.
I love the beauty of casting, presentation and the fish rising to the fly. But most of all I love to be a part of the nature and to forget some of the daily struggles when I’m out there catching fish. It’s not about how many or how big trouts or graylings, but about the freedom and hope in every fly cast. Yes, fly cast!
As most of you know I have never been fond of too much practicing of fly casting indoor or standing on a field shooting the line miles away on grass because I have always thought that the best practice is done while I’m fishing. But it’s still about the casting and presentation. The casting is actually the BIG difference between fly fishing and every other fishing methods I know about. And I like it!
I started my fishing career as a kid and of course with lures and bait fishing. But when I saw the beauty of presentation done by an old man who seemed to be like a fishing God, I simply had to try out this fantastic way of fishing. And the result is well known. There was no turning back, even though I never became a fishing God like the old man.
And since I’ve always been a competitive person I had to try out competition fly fishing. Not because I wanted to catch more or bigger fish, but because I wanted to learn more. There is no chance of understanding everything about fly fishing so what’s wrong about learning as much as possible? And what’s wrong about competing from time to time? The rush of adrenaline and intense focus when I’m competing just makes me even more relaxed when I sit down by a river or a lake watching nature & “the rise”. And just thinking about big fish rising to a mayfly makes me smile – every time.  :D
But this “status” is not about why I love fly fishing, but about why I don’t love competing as much as I did. The competition fly fishing has turned into something completely different from why I started fly fishing. Yes, completely different from what I love about the fly fishing. Especially at international competitions, such as World and European championships. There is not much casting involved, except for bashing for stocked rainbows or sitting in a boat. It’s more and more about tungsten beads and jigs at the bottom a few yards away from your feet. In some championships I have been fishing for 12 (out of 15) hours (4 out of 5 sessions) and not seen much more than a few feet of my fly line outside of my rod. The rods used are even getting longer and longer to reach more fish without having the drag of the line. The drag can destroy a good natural drift and that’s why a long rod is better. And that’s not all. The line is now as thin and light as possible and it has no other function than to be “like a thicker leader” just to be inside the rules of the competitions. The rules are that the leader must be maximum 2 lengths of the rod. This is of course to stop anglers from using 15 meters of mono or fluorocarbon to get better drifts. That would make the fly line “not needed”. Well, a fly line? For me a #000 line used on a #2, #3 or #4 rod doesn’t fit. Not as a fly line made for fly fishing.
I do not hate “short line” nymphing. I do absolutely like to do this kind of fishing from time to time, especially upstream in small rivers and creeks, but it’s not very close to the “why”s I’ve been talking about. And I have had a hard time to explain other anglers why this is fly fishing too. But now I have no good arguments anymore because of the invasion of the squirmy wormy. This is artificial imitations of worms –> bait. Of course it’s tied on a fly hook (with a tungsten bead). Of course it’s used together with a fly rod, fly reel, fly line(?), fly leader and done while wading, but whatever you want to call it, it’s still an imitation of a worm. So to be a top angler in a championship today you will have to fish like a very good bait angler would do. Some would say that there are rules against them, but rules will always be bent and other ways of going around them will always be found. Collecting a medal or two is far more important than what fly fishing is all about. And I must say I hate that way of thinking. And regardless of using squirmies or not, the fishing with tungsten jigs is still very close to how I used to do bait fishing…
Another problem I have with international competitions such as WC and EC is the length of the leader. I understand why it cannot be more than 2 lengths of the rod, but the rule has a huge drawback. The best dry fly anglers I know, who I believe are some of the best in the world at this type of fishing, presents the fly perfectly at great distance (up to 30 meters – 100 feet) on very spooky fish with leaders that are up to 3,5 lengths of the rod. This is in my eyes perfection and the real beauty of fly fishing. And this is not allowed?!? But artificial worms are? You must be kidding me…  :(
Anyway, I do not want short line nymphing forbidden in championships, absolutely not, but what I do want is that the best fly fishing anglers will be awarded. The ones who are great at EVERY aspect of fly fishing. Why not do as they did at the World championship in England 2000? In two of the sessions we were fishing on river Test and we were not allowed to fish in any other way than with dries upstream. We could not even wade and had to present the flies like fly anglers are expected to do. Great! In my opinion this was the last real World fly fishing championship. You might say that I write this because it was the last time I did well (not exactly true, depends on what’s regarded as “well”), but I managed to get a good result because I simply loved it! The truth is that my only bad session was actually on the river Test. And I promise you that no one has ever seen me smiling that much during a World championship (been to 19) – we were fly fishing all the way!  8)
So why not make sessions for different styles? Is it too difficult to do so? Is it really not the most complete fly fishing anglers that should be awarded?
(My suggestion to a perfect championship is 1 session for dries, 1 for nymphs, 1 bank, 1 boat and 1 free to choose – fly fishing is about choosing the right tactics too.)  ;)
And last, but not least: It may be a Scandinavian problem and not for other countries, but sponsors are very hard to get. And why? Well, I think it’s hard to get sponsors when almost every other angler doesn’t applaud the way of fishing we have to do. And if there is little interest among the anglers, there is little interest in media. And little interest in media, no sponsors.
But whatever you might think of what I have written, I really do encourage other anglers to compete. It’s enormously fun and they will learn more during a competition than they can imagine. Not only from others, but also from not being able to fish where they want to and sometimes in conditions they normally would shake their heads and call it a day. Just make it fly fishing and have fun…  :)
That’s it for now…
The great Czechs would probably win anyway. And that’s absolutely ok.  :D
PS. Pardon my English.  :(


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Dobar je Eikre. Mislim da je od pre jedno 4-5 godine zapoceo sa svojom serijom stapova. Sad koliko vidim ima i masinice, kanape, positnice...
Dok nije poceo da se upusta u poslove oko pribora bio je izuzetno aktivan na lokalnim forumima ali je posle toga prestao. Upoznao sam ga na jednom ribolovackom sajmu i bas je prijatan lik. Probao sam i par stapova iz njegove serije i uopste nisu losi.

Evo ih ovde:


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Ovakav stav moze da se prenese na svaki sport. Od momenta kada se u igri krene sa "brojanjem", igra postaje sport i tu se svaki akter koji je u igru zaljubljen nadje u manjem ili vecem problemu jer sport "kvari" igru, namece rezultat kao prioritet nad lepotom igre. Kad ste poslednji put na SP u fudbalu, recimo, odgledali vrhunsku utakmicu?
Ako nista drugo, bar svako moze da znanje koje stekne na takmicenju primeni u svakodnevnom musicarenju i tu se opet vrati igri


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vrana je napisao(la):
Ovakav stav moze da se prenese na svaki sport. Od momenta kada se u igri krene sa "brojanjem", igra postaje sport i tu se svaki akter koji je u igru zaljubljen nadje u manjem ili vecem problemu jer sport "kvari" igru, namece rezultat kao prioritet nad lepotom igre. Kad ste poslednji put na SP u fudbalu, recimo, odgledali vrhunsku utakmicu?
Ako nista drugo, bar svako moze da znanje koje stekne na takmicenju primeni u svakodnevnom musicarenju i tu se opet vrati igri

Vrana slazem se sa tobom u vecini stvari sem za SP u fudbalu. Na poslednjem je bilo iznenadjujuce mnogo dobrih utakmica za uzivanje. Ali generalno gledano si 100% u pravu, takmicenje samo po sebi namece imperativ rezultata na ustrb same igre.


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Covek je zavsve u pravu. Al kad se neko takmici cilj je sto vise riba tj brojanjebje neminovno. Mada bi bilo vrh da se napravi takmicenje sa svim kategorijama koje je naveo... ja bih gradcu za pocetak insistirao na suvoj samo....zasto da se ne proba

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Broj reagovanja
Dunavneralno gledano si 100% u pravu, takmicenje samo po sebi namece imperativ rezultata n


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Al namece i snalazenje na zadatom mestu sto coveka tera da se prilagodjava, napreduje....

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